Friday, November 13, 2009

Self-righteous Wealth. Stop Flattering Yourself.

Sarah Palin appeared on the national political scene over a year ago.  Just about a year ago, she and her running mate John McCain were defeated in their bid for the presidency.  Palin now has a new book that will be released next week.  The Huffington Post's Geoffrey Dunn recently posted an article about the "first ten lies" from the book.
"Excerpts from Sarah Palin's Going Rogue have been released by several news agencies and other sources who have received advanced copies. Here are the first ten lies from Palin's memoirs:
  1. The Cover Byline: Palin didn't write the book by herself. Most books with known ghostwriters list their co-author's name on the cover. In this case it was Lynn Vincent. Going Rogue does not.
  2. The Subtitle: An American Life. Aside from her infancy, Palin has really spent very little time outside of Alaska, and according to John McCain's campaign advisors, was shockingly unfamiliar with American geography and American history. "Alaska," as John McPhee noted in his resplendent Coming Into the Country, "is a foreign country...Its nature is its own."
  3. Going Rogue features Palin's obsession with Katie Couric and characterizes the CBS anchor as "badgering." Palin refused to prep for the Couric interview because she was more concerned about her popularity in Alaska than about what was best for the campaign. Was it really badgering to ask what books or periodicals Palin read? Palin further claims that Couric suffered from low self-esteem. In fact, according to those close to Palin, it's the former governor who suffers from low self-esteem and frequently projects that onto other women"
Read Full Entry Here

I think it's pretty clear that I'm very liberal when it comes to politics. This, however, does not mean that I am opposed to all Republicans.  I think there really are some out there that are doing what they think is best for the country and their constituency, no matter how few and far between those may be.  Then we have Sarah Palin.  I cannot comprehend how this women has become such an icon in U.S. politics or how she came within reach of the vice presidency.

I tried really hard to give her a chance when she first came on the scene, but all I needed to lose any faith I had in her was that now infamous Katie Couric interview.  She showed her true colors.  She is a politician that has gotten by on being pretty and loving Jesus.  Unfortunately, those are apparently the only requirements to become the Governor of Alaska.  I am happy to see that the majority of Americans decided that actual intelligence should be a requirement to be vice president.  She stuttered through that interview looking like a deer in headlights at every question asked of her.  She hoped that her folksy "ya knows" were going to capture the Republican vote as opposed to her responses to the tough questions.

What I really hate is that she is somehow still in the spotlight.  I thought almost all of us had decided she was a joke.  She barely has any pull in the Republican party anymore; she is widely believed to have been the largest factor in McCain's loss.  I, for one, know that there was a chance I could have been onboard with McCain, until he brought Sarah Palin onboard.  It frustrates me that she still gets this much attention and has continued to spout her lies and her "poor me" platform.

She claims that Katie Couric "badgered" her and had "low self-esteem."  She is basically claiming that Couric was mean to her because she was jealous of her.  Anyone with a brain that watched that interview could clearly tell Couric was simply doing her job.  Is asking a VP candidate about their feelings on ongoing wars, healthcare and the economy badgering?  I think that's just called good journalism.  Did Palin really think just because she sat down with a female journalist it was going to be a chat about how adorable her kids are and the two could exchange recipes?

Palin came on the scene with the plan to look wholesome and motherly and hope that it would be enough to get her the second most powerful job in the country.  Luckily it didn't, and yet a year later, here she still is.  Palin supposedly represents "the real America."  If she is a sign of what real America is, then I would like them to secede from the rest of our America and they can elect Palin their leader.

In case anyone somehow missed it, below is the Katie Couric interview from the campaign last year.

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