Sunday, November 22, 2009

Calling Out To Idiot America

I was watching MSNBC last Wednesday when I saw the above interview of a young girl at one of Sarah Palin's book signings.  At the time I didn't think much of it until over the past few days, the young girl in the clip has been mentioned by Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.  She also posted on her blog her feelings on the experience. Here is some of what Jackie had to say about her interview with Norah O'Donnell.

"This all started as me, a young 17 year old American going to see a woman I admire and turned into this crazy event hah I'll start at the very beginning...She had me read my shirt and then proceeded to ask me "Did you know Sarah Palin supported the bailout" to be 100% honest I was like, are you kidding me? She is trying to use my shirt against me. I was so shocked by the craftiness she had that I was truly stumped. I asked her where she got her fact and she read her little note. Then she asked me what I liked about Sarah, and I talked about the Constitution...In one day I met a role model, and met the liberal media and their crafty schemes. I fell prey to liberal bias, but I'd like to think I did an okay job."
[Read Full Entry]

When I orginally saw this interview, I simply thought it was another example of a person with strong conviction of their beliefs, but very few facts.  Unfortunately, it happens all the time.  What I didn't expect was the firestorm it created.  O'Reilly and Beck called out O'Donnell on being an example of "liberal media."  They think that she badgered the poor girl.  Between this incident and Palin's own similar comments about Katie Couric this week, I am left wondering when good journalism became "badgering."

Now, had O'Donnell just seen this girl on the street and approached her to challenge her knowledge of Palin, I would agree it would be badgering.  However, this girl went to Palin's book signing.  She wore a very clearly political shirt that, based on voting records, opposes the feelings of her beloved politican.  Then she agreed to be interviewed.  If I were given the information on this girl and asked to come up with five questions to ask her, I think that would be my number one question.

I am also bothered by the fact that in Jackie's blog post, she mentions that she is 17 four times.  As if O'Donnell was out of line by asking a mere 17 year old about stuff she shouldn't know. I'm not saying all 17 year olds should know this information.  However, anyone who can decide to wear a poltical tshirt such as that and go to a politician's book signing should probably know a thing or two about that person's voting record.  Especially if you are going to agree to do an interview with the opposing side.  Being 17 is not an excuse for ignorance. Even at 17, I would have known that.  If I didn't, I wouldn't have been stupid enough to end up in that situation.  If somehow I did, I would expect a journalist to do exactly what O'Donnell did.

Partisanship doesn't matter in this case.  If a 17 year old showed up to an Obama rally in an anti-war shirt, I would expect Fox News to ask them if they are aware that Obama does not support an immediate end to our wars.  It's just what journalists do.  I'm tired of hearing about the "liberal media" and their bias and how mean they can be.  Journalists ask the tough questions.  If you want softballs, go sit on Oprah's couch.

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