Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everything You Employ Is Meant For Me To Destroy

Just because the health care legislation has passed doesn't mean the anger surrounding it has dissipated. Multiple angry voice mails have been left for congresspeople involved in the passing of health care. Below is a link to a couple examples of the hate and anger this legislation has created. This time, the messages were for Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak. It is actually a frightening glimpse into the mind of people easily influenced by the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. This example is also by no means the worst of the voice mails that are out there. Also, just as a warning, the audio does contain explicit language.

Listen to the audio here

1 comment:

  1. While this information has definitely been all over the news, I liked how you incorporated the angry messages in this post. The audio clip definitely had some heart, and I'm glad you found this! I would be one who (if I was brave enough) would definitely send angry messages to the congressmen. But, then again...I am a Christian and would have to ask myself if that was truly appropriate behavior - since we are supposed to support our leaders.
