Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do You Know What's Worth Fighting For?

by Amanda Nix

The recent health care bill has caused a lot of controversy. Yet another controversy it is causing is the opposition to the abortion language in the bill. It clearly went against The Hyde Amendment which bars federal funding for elective abortions. The language in the bill reflects a very delicate agreement that the pro-abortion and anti-abortionists have come up with. The bill almost was not passed because of this delicate subject.

Rep. Bart Stupak, a Democrat from Michigan, constructed a much stricter abortion law one year ago in hopes of it making it into the bill. Stupak was not going to go down without a fight. He knew the right-wing conservatives and even the liberals were not going to be happy with any bill that had abortion language in it.  The word itself has caused so much political chaos that even the most liberal politician would be scared of it.

With one day left and not enough votes yet to pass the bill, a surprising speech from a conservative Democrat, and Flint Congressman, Rep. Dale Kildee came out. Rep. Kildee spent six years in a Catholic seminary before entering into politics and he has been pro-life across the board, until now. His speech reminded his follow politicians that this bill is for the born and the unborn and he urged them to vote yes on it.  He has also said that with this health coverage a woman will not have to be afraid that she cannot take care of her unborn child anymore, because the care will be there. With only 4 votes to spare, the vote for the health care bill did happen.

Despite his speech and possibly because of his normal pro-life leaning, an outrage from the community still arose about the language, calling Rep. Kildee an abortion activist, even after all of his years of pro-life. 

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