Saturday, April 17, 2010

Do You Know What's Worth Fighting For?

by Amanda Nix

The recent health care bill has caused a lot of controversy. Yet another controversy it is causing is the opposition to the abortion language in the bill. It clearly went against The Hyde Amendment which bars federal funding for elective abortions. The language in the bill reflects a very delicate agreement that the pro-abortion and anti-abortionists have come up with. The bill almost was not passed because of this delicate subject.

Rep. Bart Stupak, a Democrat from Michigan, constructed a much stricter abortion law one year ago in hopes of it making it into the bill. Stupak was not going to go down without a fight. He knew the right-wing conservatives and even the liberals were not going to be happy with any bill that had abortion language in it.  The word itself has caused so much political chaos that even the most liberal politician would be scared of it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Living Out A Lie But Having The Time Of His Life

by Amanda Nix

It began four years ago in Florida where a prison guard began his daily routine of checking for contraband in the inmates’ cell when he found a bunch of papers. Not drugs or a weapon, but papers with several birthdates and social security numbers. What he had found turned out to be tax forms and a “how to” pamphlet. The guard turned the papers into his supervisor, not knowing they had just stumbled across a $1 million dollar tax scam.

Inmates in Munroe County Jail had been filing tax returns with fake names and fake jobs, using a remedy of only $5,000 each return to keep them under the radar.  Those involved were all conspirators passing around cheat sheets with how to fill out the complicated forms.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I've Been Waiting A Long Time For This Moment To Come

by Amanda Nix

The debate over health care has been a vital one for decades. It has centered on questions like “Who has the fundamental right to receive health care?” “Who would be responsible for paying for this change? And “Will the federal government make such a change?” This past month, they did make that change when the health care reform was passed.

In the United States, 62% of all personal bankruptcies are cited from medical debt. This is overwhelmingly high in such a developed country. The U.S. is clearly divided among party lines on whom, if anyone, should receive free health care, and if they do, when?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Everything You Employ Is Meant For Me To Destroy

Just because the health care legislation has passed doesn't mean the anger surrounding it has dissipated. Multiple angry voice mails have been left for congresspeople involved in the passing of health care. Below is a link to a couple examples of the hate and anger this legislation has created. This time, the messages were for Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak. It is actually a frightening glimpse into the mind of people easily influenced by the likes of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh. This example is also by no means the worst of the voice mails that are out there. Also, just as a warning, the audio does contain explicit language.

Listen to the audio here

Desperate, But Not Hopeless

This week, President Obama spoke about the tax breaks the stimulus made available for first-time home buyers, as well as college students. In his weekly internet address, Obama said the tax breaks (which could benefit more than 100 million Americans) can are still available to those who filed their tax returns prior to the Apr. 15 deadline if they amend their returns. Watch the full video below.

[Full article here]