Friday, October 30, 2009

Sing Us A Song Of The Century

The United States is at an interesting place. It's difficult to look at the country we are now and see the country about which our Founding Fathers wrote. It's a new era, a new century, with a vast new range of problems. It can be a bit overwhelming at times and I find that many people feel like their voice doesn't matter. I, however, am a firm believer that silence is condonation. There are so many things I'm not happy about in this world, and maybe I'm crazy to think that I can make a difference, but I don't have a right to complain about it if I'm not doing something to try to fix it.

One individual voice seems so small in the grand scheme of things, but as anyone who has ever been to a concert knows, a thousand individual voices can bring a stadium down. I think if everyone were willing to voice their opinions, stand by them, and make their representatives recognize what they want, it could make a huge difference. Instead of shouting at the people creating the issues we see, we're at home, on the couch, shouting at the TV.

This blog is my way of putting my opinion out there and standing by it. My goal is to discuss the problems I see in the political state of this country. Whether it is healthcare, the economy, or human rights, if it is in the news, I always have an opinion on it. I could always talk about politics for days, so maybe it will be good to get some of the things out of my mind and onto (virtual) paper. I love a good political debate, so agree or disagree, I always love feedback on my opinions.